Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hate it, hate it, hate it......fa la la la freaking laaaaa..............

Ok.........I have a perverse fascination with this Christmas LP.....we listened to it every year as kids. THIS SONG.....omg....when we were kids, we would make fun of the high child Soprano voice singing "must be Saaaanta, must be Saaaaanta....."......still hate it! In fact, I tortured Sarah with it the other night....she threw a pillow at me....bwahhhhahhhHAH!! She told me that she would call DCFS, if I continued playing it >;)

Well, remember.....Satan....Santa.....it could just be a case of Dyslexia.....food for thought.....

Oh, this one's for you, Johnnyc......lol!!