Sunday, April 15, 2012

In the continuing coverage of 1940 in music and culture: war and domestic news of 1940....

(The 1940 equivalent of an RSS feed)

Well...being that I'm posting a "dump" of international and domestic (mostly war) news from 1940, I do HAVE to post a pic of a radio....(just don't expect anything other than a PHILCO...I'm a Philco collector). The above picture is of MY Philco 280, in my living well, the internal antenna is nice, but we've tweaked it a bit for better reception, especially on the short-wave, including the use of an external antenna.

Oh, if you do collect and restore vintage Philco radios (or would LIKE to)'s a great resource for you:

In any event, what follows is a post of TON of (mostly) international news from 1940, some of which you would've been listening to on the shortwave from the above-pictured Philco 280.....also domestic broadcasts, propaganda, etc...a bunch of stuff...Enjoy.

****NOTE: This is a HUGE file....HUGE. If you have a problem with download on Rapidshare, notify me. as I can break it down into smaller segments.****

3rd Day of German Advances In The Netherlands-CBS 05-12-40-Elmer Davis
1939 In Review -01-01-1940-Mutual MBS Special Features Program-Raymond Gram Swing
Kentucky-Derby-Bryan-Field -WHAS 05-04-40 
A Biography of Hitler -KFWB 05-20-40 Robert Arden News Commentary
à la Résistance Contre L'occupant Allemand-06-22-40-Charles de Gaulle BBC 
A Londoner On Shelters And The Blitz -09-08-40 BBC
à Tours - La France Ne Peut Pas Mourir -06-13-40 PTT Paul Reynaud
Address To Italy -12-23-40 BBC-Winston Churchill
Allies Counter & Retake Arras -05-22-40 CBS Elmer Davis
Allies To Stop Scandinavian Ore Shipments To Germany 03-310-40 CBS Elmer Davis
An Appeal For Boating Skills -BBC 05-29-40
And The News - 06-20-40 CBS Elmer Davis
And The News - 06-19-40 CBS Elmer Davis
Anthony Eden Dunkirk -NBC Special Broadcast 06-02-40
Appeals For US Aid -PTT Premier Raul Reynaud from France
Battle of Britain -08-16-40 CBS reports from correspondents
Battles In France & Belgium Undecided -CBS Elmer Davis 05-23-40
Berlin And Moscow Claim Victory - 11-17-40 CBS John Daly and various correspondents
Blitz Edward R. Murrow - 09-20-40 Murrow reports from London
Blitz Effects - 08-25-40 Murrow
Blitz Emergency Services - 10-25-40 BBC 
Bombing of Caen - 07-08-40 BBC Bill Herbert live report
Boy Finds A Dog - 09-03-40 CBS "We the People" - Gabriel Heater
British Arctic Fleet Watches Russians & Germans - CBS Elmer Davis 02-23-40
British Forces Withdraw In Norway - CBS Elmer Davis 05-02-40
British Invasion Looms - RSH 06-28-40 "Lord Haw Haw"-Propaganda-"Germany Calling"
British Minister of Misinformation-RSH 02-27-40 Lord Haw Haw
British Troops In Full Retreat- 05-26-40 RRG (German and English)
Calls For Local Defense Volunteers - BBC Anthony Eden 05-14-40
Carlton Smith Eleanor Roosevelt - NBC 07-18-40

Christmas 1940 -BBC 12-25-40
Churchill news of Dunkirk-06-04-40 -Edward R. Murrow BBC
Churchill's 1st Speech As PM - 05-19-40 BBC
Churchill's Fines - 06-18-40 BBC
Collaboration Franco-allemande - RDN Maréchal Phillippe Pétain 10-30-40
Congress Convenes Tomorrow CBS Elmer Davis 01-02-40
Convoy Shelled In Straits Of Dover -BBC 08-22-40 
Cordell Hull Suggests Inter-American Collective Trusteeship - CBS Elmer Davis 07-22-40
Coventry Cathedral Destroyed -BBC 11-15-40 Very Reverend RT Howard
Coventry Loudspeaker Announcement 11-15-40 BBC
Coverage of French Surrender - CBS / NBC 06-21-40 William L. Shirer correspondent
Covers Convoy Attack Off Dover - BBC Robin Duff 09-15-40 live
CPUSA Communist Nominee - NBC Earl Browder 10-10-40 Elizabeth Gurly Flynn
Dangers Of Combat - BBC 08-40 -Flight LTs. Richard Hillary and JB Nicholson
Democratic Convention Opened Today - 07-15-40 CBS Elmer Davis
Denmark & Norway Pt 1 - RSH-propaganda Lord Haw Haw 04-09-40
Denmark & Norway Pt 2 - RSH propaganda Lord Haw Haw 04-09-40
Dénonce L'invasion De La Belgique - PTT Hubert Pierlot 05-10-40
Describes Dunkirk - BBC 06-08-40 Charles Martin
Dogfight Over The Channel - BBC 07-14-40 Charles Gardner -live
Dunkirk Evacuation BEF Experiences - BBC 06-03-40 
Dunkirk - BBC Ronald Cross -Minister of Shipping 06-06-40
Dutch Army Surrenders - CBS Elmer Davis 05-14-40
Emergency Funds Appeal- MBS (Mutual)/CBC Canadian Red Cross 09-29-40 
Entre Le Général Huntziger Et Le Général Weygand - 06-22-40 Conversation Téléphonique-
Europe Speculates On Sumner Welles Visit - CBS Elmer Davis 02-11-40
European News 2 - CBS 07-27-40
European News 3 - CBS 08-14-40
European News 4 - CBS 08-16-40
European News 5 - CBS 09-02-40
European News 6 - CBS 09-20-40
European News - CBS 07-23-40
European War - CBS 08-06-40
Eyewitness Account From Paris - BBC 06-14-40
FDR & The Reporters - NBC HV Kaltenborn 01-26-40
FDR Outlines British Finance Plans - CBS 12-17-40 Elmer Davis
FDR Pledges 50 Destroyers To Britain -09-03-40 Elmer Davis CBS
FDR To Appoint New Defense Council - NBC KV Kaltenborn 12-19-40
FDR To State 3rd Term Shortly - CBS Elmer Davis 07-16-40
Finnish Losses On Mannerheim Line - CBS Elmer Davis 02-13-40
First Speech As Prime Minister - BBC Winston Churchill 05-19-40
French Receive Armistice Terms - CBS Elmer Davis 06-21-40
French Surrender - 06-21-40
French To Surrender Tomorrow - CBS Elmer Davis 06-20-40
French-German Armistice Signed - CS Elmer Davis 06-22-40
Fulton Lewis Commentary - WOL 05-30-40
German Advance On Antwerp - BBC 05-14-40
German Liner Bremen Has Been Sunk - NBC HV Kaltenborn 04-09-40
Germans Advance In The Netherlands - CBS Elmer Davis 05-11-40
Germans Ahead Of Schedule In Low Countries - CBS Elmer Davis 05-13-40
Germans Bomb Paris - CBS Elmer Davis 06-03-40
Germans Capture Dunkirk - CBS Elmer Davis 06-04-40
Germans Have Taken Dombas - CBS Elmer Davis 05-01-40
Germans Invade Low Countries - CBS Elmer Davis 05-10-40
Germans Near Dunkirk - CBS Elmer Davis 06-02-40
Germans Push Toward Channel Ports- CBS Elmer Davis 05-21-40
Germans Raid Scapa Flow In Orkneys - CBS Elmer Davis 04-02-40
Germans Say Die Is Cast - CBS Elmer Davis 07-23-40
Germany Not Going To Invade Balkans - RSH Lord haw Haw 01-21-40
Girl Tells Of Bomb Shelters - BBC 1940
Grim Christmas In London - 12-24-40 CBS Edward R. Murrow
Havana Inter-American Conference Opens- CBS Elmer Davis 07-21-40
Heavy Damage In Night Raids Over Britain - CBS E. Davis 09-02-40
Hitler offered peace to Britain in a speech today - MBS Raymond Gram Swing 07-19-40
Holland & Belgium Invaded - RSH Lord Haw Haw-05-28-40
Holland And Belgium Invaded - BBC 05-10-40
House Of Commons Secret Session - BBC Churchill 09-17-40
HV Kaltenborn 2 - NBC HV Kaltenborn -06-21-40
HV Kaltenborn - NBC HV Kaltenborn 05-10-40
in Air Raid Shelter - BBC Robin Duff 10-05-40
In London - MBS Arthur Mann correspondent 07-04-40
Italy Declares War On Allies (English Translation) - EIAR Benito Mussolini 06-10-40
Japanese Reorganizing Nanking Government - CBS Elmer Davis 04-01-40
John V Kennedy - NBC -06-22-40
La Dichiarazione di Guerra - EIAR Mussolini 06-10-40
Last Marseillaise Broadcast As Paris Falls - 06-14-40 
Lilli Marleen - Lale Andersen -German "Goebbles approved" new version-radio (perhaps wasn't recorded until 1942, but perhaps I'm wrong, sources tell me this is 1940 on radio)
London After Dark -CBS 08-24-40 Special Broadcast
London War At Night - CBS -Murrow-12-02-40
Minister For Home Security - BBC Herbert Morrison 12-31-40
Mixed Reception For FDR Aid Plan - CBS Elmer Davis 12-18-40
Mocks British Fear Of German Bombs - RSH Lord Haw Haw 02-27-40
Mocks Winston Churchill - RSH Lord Haw Haw 02-18-40
Murrow on Blackout- CBS Murrow 08-24-40
Nazi Radio Announces Fall Of Paris - RRD 06-14-40 (German)
New British Broadcasting Station ID Nazi - NBBS 1940
News of the World 2 - NBC 06-20-40
News Of The World - NBC 0309-40 Earl Godwin and correspondents
Nominates Hanford MacNider - 06-27-1940 Verne Marshall
NY World's Fair Closing - MBS 10-27-40 
On Aircraft Production - BBC Lord Beaverbrook 
On Asylum In Canada - CBC Princess Juliana of the Netherlands 06-17-40 
On Capitulation Of Belgium - BBC 05-28-40 BBC Churchill
On Convoy Attack & Dogfight -BBC 07-14-40 Charles Gardner -live
On Dunkirk 2 - BBC JB Priestly 06-05-40
On Dunkirk - CBS Murrow 06-02-40
On Evacuated Troops From Dunkirk - BBC 05-31-40 Bernard Stubbs
On Evacuated Troops In London -BBC 05-31-40 Bernard Stubbs
On French Armistace At Compiegne - CAN William C. Kirker 06-21-40
On Invasion Of Denmark & Norway -BBC 04-09-40 Alvar Liddell
On Nazi Invasion Of Denmark And Norway -RSH Lord Haw Haw 04-09-40
On Non-Confidence Debate In Commons - CBS Murrow 05-08-40 
On The Attack On Holland - AVRO 05-10-40 Proclamation of Queen Willhelmina
On The BEF Advance Into Belgium - BBC Bernard Stubbs 05-13-40
On The Fall Of Paris -  Eric Sevareid 06-21-40
On The Opponents Of War Preparedness - J Edgar Hoover 09-23-40
One Raid In Eight Reaches London - CBS 09-18-40 Elmer Davis
Paul Renaud Speech - CBS Bob Trout 05-27-40
Pays Homage To The Small Boats Of Dunkirk - BBC JB Priestley 06-05-40
Pepsodent Presents Sunday Night At 8 -Australia 3AW-10-13-40
Pledge To Free France - BBC Churchill 10-21-40
Probable That Germans Hold Dombas, Norway - CBS Elmer Davis 04-30-40
Radio Eireann Ireland ID - REI Ireland 12-40
Radio Newsreel-  07-01-40 various commentators
RAF Dispatched To Dunkirk -CBS Murrow 06-02-40
Rebroadcasts Nazi Announcement - CBS 06-14-40
Reports 175 German Aircraft Destroyed - BBC 09-15-40 Alrvar Liddell
Reports More On Dogfight - BBC Charles Gardner 07-14-40
Reports On First Day Of Blitzkrieg -  CBS Elmer Davis 05-11-40
Reports On The Returning Troops - BBC Bernard Stubbs 05-31-40
Resigns As Prime Minister -  BBC Neville Chamberlain 05-10-40
Russo-Finnish War Concluded - RSH Lord Haw Haw 04-13-40
Scandinavian Update, 'Schmidt & Smith'- RSH Haw Haw-04-16-40
Sees London Burning - BBC Robin Duff 12-20-40
Sigrid Schulz From Berlin - MBS Sigrid Schultz of the Chicago Tribune-correspondent 07-14-40
Speaking To Evacuated Children -Princess Elizabeth and Margaret 10-13-40 BBC
Supreme Court Sets Aside Florida Negro Death Sentences - CBS Elmer Davis 02-12-40
The Altmark Incident - RSH Haw Haw-02-16-40
The Daughter Of Lillian Russell - CBS "We the People" Gabriel Heater-02-06-40
The Ear of Britain - BBC 02-04-40
The Fall Of France - RSH Haw Haw 06-21-40
The First Year - BBC 08-20-40 Churchill
The Navy Is Here - BBC 02-23-40 Churchill
The New Administration -  BBC 05-13-40 Churchill
The Sinking of the Graf Spee - RSH Haw Haw 01-20-40 
Their Finest Hour -  BBC Churchill 06-17-40
Third Invasion Of France - NBC "The story behind the headlines -Cesar Searchinger 05-24-40
To France (En Français, Pt1) -BBCF Churchill 10-21-40
To France (En Français, Pt2) -BBCF Churchill 10-21-40
To Norwegians Living Abroad - NRK Prince Olaf of Norway 01-01-40
Today in Europe 1 - CBS 01-18-40 Murrow 
Trafalgar Blitz - CBS Murrow 08-24-40-live
Trains Full of Evacuatees - BBC 05-31-40 Bernard Stubbs
Troops From Dunkirk - BBC 05-31-40 Bernard Stubbs
Unusual Precautions In The Netherlands Tonight- CBS Elmer Davis 05-09-40
War News 2 - CBS 08-19-40 Elmer Davis
War News From England - CBS Murrow 05-10-40
War News- KFWB Robert Arden 04-15-40
War Of The Unknown Warrior - BBC Churchill 07-14-40
Wartime Recipes - NBC-Blue Network- "March of TIme" 08-24-40-Westbrook Van Voorhis
We Shall Never Surrender- BBC Churchill 06-04-40
Wheeler Withdraws As Candidate -CBS Elmer Davis 07-17-40
Wilson Vs Hughes Election - CBS "I was there" 05-19-40 Knox Manning
Winston Churchill Free Trade Hall Manchester Heckler - BBC Churchill 01-27-40

Just a note on the sound files: As old as this news is, it can still put goosebumps on your flesh.....hearing the last singing of La Marsellaise as Paris falls to the Germans, the Blitz broadcasts from London, Princess Elizabeth and Margaret speaking to the evacuated children of England, the sounds of battle ongoing, the pleas for Americans to recognize the need for intervention, etc.......amazing stuff.


  1. I should have broken it up into several posts. That is going to be like downloading an entire movie......>>rolls eyes<<

  2. hello, great blog, is there any chance of breaking this post up into 2 or 3 bits?

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