Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My appologies....posts will perhaps be a bit more infrequent due to an increased work schedule....

C'est la vie...........*sigh*....work calls. Who knew that blogging was such a financially thankless activity? ;)

I do believe I am blessed to have a hobby (that seems like a job...this blog), and a paid job (appraising and selling antiques), that I really enjoy doing. With so many out of work these days, and such a bad market for anything other than life's necessities, I do feel blessed in just being able to say that. There but for the grace of God, if you will....

In any event, I'm finding myself torn away a bit from being able to spend quite as much time as I'd like working on posts, lately. I regret that, as I enjoy posting, and even more enjoy reading the requests and comments from you regular readers and followers. I suppose I'll just post in fits and starts of energy and activity...usually late at night, it seems. Must make the donuts....pay bills, whatever. I apologize in advance for a few less posts a week.....keep checking back....hopefully all will equalize out and become normal again, over the holidays. Thanks! :)


  1. Sorry to hear it (but good for you)! You have one of the BEST blogs around.
    Jim Engel

  2. Did I forget to say thank you again? Hey, this will give us a chance to catch up with all those posts!--Bill

  3. Thanks....I love doing it, and have no plans to stop :) (well...if I run out of music...lol)
