Saturday, October 22, 2011

Saturday night at the movies.......the 3rd "Thin Man" installment: "Another Thin Man" 1939

It's been awhile........time for another episode of the "Thin Man" series............Number 3...."Another Thin Man" from 1939. Your first clue: A hint......look in the comments area ;) Enjoy!!



  2. Great, great, great! When my wife and meself got married a coupla decades ago, my union went on strike. We kept ourselves sane by watching every "Thin Man" movie as well as Laurel and Hardy. Two decades and change later, we're still cracking wise. best, ed

  3. Well, good for still cracking wise....I'd worry if you were cracking her in the head and "Thanking her for this fine mess she'd gotten you into".....LMFAO!! (sorry...big Laurel and Hardy fan.....couldn't help that one!!)

  4. Just don't get me and me' wife into W.C. Fields' territory! "Don't you dare hit that child!" "Awww, she's not gonna tell me I don't love her!" best, ed

  5. Apropos of nothing, since you love wit, try watching "Bride of Frankenstein" this Halloween as a grown-up. My God! The things we missed as kids. best, ed

  6. I love it! Sad to say (eh, maybe not so sad) I greyed like Elsa Lancaster (two skunk streaks like the 'Bride) :0 It's like having a built-in Halloween costume!

  7. Yeah. Grey happens. I have a beard that can't decide what it wants to do. Grey. White. Brown. Half of the time I look like I have a skunk wrapped around my kisser. On the plus side? I'm SO popular on Halloween. best, ed

  8. Please please tell me what is the title of the music being danced to in this wonderful thin man rumba.
