Monday, August 15, 2011

I love Shorpy...........

I do love Shorpy "The 100 year old photo blog" .  I'm a daily visitor. It's like crack....I can't NOT go

I wanted to plug the site yet again, but also to steal and post this pic:
Wabash, near the Madison L station....1907. I'm down here, every week, going to the Chicago Cultural Center/Former main library (Michigan between Washington and Randolph), with my daughter.  She sings with the Chicago Children's Choir, which is headquartered there. Seeing this, and the following image (the same view, now), just made my day.....I had to share....excellent stuff.........enjoy.


  1. That is wicked cool!!! I am a big elevated railway fan. Why? Why not?

  2. My daughter laughed and pointed out that there were no fat people in 1907 (of course! but then she 13 and would notice that....:0)
