Saturday, June 18, 2011

A little journey through neon Chicago and it's 'burbs......... :)

I was listening to probably one of my favourite songs of childhood this morning: "Route 66" by Nelson Riddle. I had to repost this great vid of Rte. 66 vintage neon. It got me thinking about favourite neon signs in Chicago.....we have some great signage, indeed. Sooooo, with the lead-in of the music..........a little journey through Chicago neon.......(most of these signs still exist, some are gone)

Image credit:
 Image credit:

Lastly.....The Adelphi Theatre in Rogers Park......with The 30s-era sign, before the ghastly updating. Original or updated..whatever...gone. A viable building torn down by a corrupt alderman and a bottom-feeding developer. The former Adelphi is now a stinking, rat-infested gaping hole, right in the middle of Rogers Park. Chicago is famous for not appreciating or saving it's cultural least not until recently. But as supreme Chicago SUCKAGE, it doesn't suck much more than Ald. Joe Moore (also known as "Joe Less", or "Blow Moore").......well, now that the North Shore School and the Adelphi are gone, there isn't much left for the asshole to tear down for a campaign payoff from a skeevy developer......pathetic.

This was the great sidewalk in front of the Adelphi......every time I walk by, I want to tear up the cement that the city put over it when they redid the surface......I like hoping that it's preserved under there :(


  1. Hi from France,
    I like very much your blog so I "advertised" it today in mine. You can read it here
    Infortunately it's in french. I hope you will not be upset because I stole 2 or 3 pictures from your blog.
    have a nice day.
    A french faithfull reader

  2. I'll link to you, also, if that's ok. Thanks! I'll check out the page, too. Oh, and borrowing.....please do!! :)

  3. Nice site! Thanks for the compliments, also. Oh, and also thanks for posting about Lady Domi's site: . I hadn't seen that before and enjoyed it very much. My French is not great, but usable enough to get (My Mother is French, so I know a little dating back to childhood). I like reading so many great music blogs in other languages, because it makes me work on learning better, I think...thanks for that :)

  4. Of course you can link to me even if most of your readers can't read the french, I guess. By the way, I like very much Chicago so I enjoy all the stuff about this great city ( do you know the writer Sarah Paretzky ? )

  5. Oddly enough, many of the readers are from Europe and Asia, along with many Americans, so yes, links in French are good on here. :) Ah, Sarah Paretzky...yes, like her work, don't know her personally. However, my daughter went to the same school as her Granddaughter for quite a few years, though she is a few years older than her. :)

  6. Very very nice! thanx

  7. please credit photographers where you are able! i do believe that the Irving Park Hotel photograph was shot by me?! thank you. Helene Smith

    1. You have a lot of lovely neon signs. FYI: The above link is broken. Here's a link to your society6 gallery:

      Also, likewise many of the signs on Planet Barbarella's page were from my Flickr album:

      (Ironically, I provide nearly all of these under a Creative Commons license that only requires giving me credit. None was given.)
