Friday, June 3, 2011

A little jaunt amongst the ghosts of Chicago nightlife...........

Just for fun....that sailor is my late Father-in-Law during the war.....
On the left, again my Late in-Laws (the spouse's parents)....late '40s
Lastly, my late Father-in-Law totally stylin' on the South Side in the late '40s.....he said that he used to get into restricted nightclubs to see bands by passing as Cuban....having known him, I'm not surprised >>shakes head<<


  1. This was just lovely stuff. Thanks so much. I really like being made to feel nostalgic for a time I didn't experience. Joel

  2. Same here. So many of those buildings are just gone, now....vanished. Chicago didn't value the history of it's great musical heritage at all....historic preservation didn't matter much until recent years

  3. Love that first image. Boyd Atkins at Dave's Cafe.

  4. That was a fun little post to compile :)
