Thursday, May 19, 2011

OTR for a Thursday morning......AFRS Jubilee 9-25-1947 w/ Beryl Davis and Cyril Hanes

Jubilee was a unique series of radio entertainment designed for the guys and gals in the American Armed Forces during World War II. None of the broadcasts were heard over the regular networks in the USA. 
Jubilee was produced in Hollywood by the Armed Forces Radio Service (AFRS) and the programs were transcribed on 16" vinylite discs (speed: 33 1/3 rpm) and distributed to various radio stations all over the world.

Here's a broadcast from McCormick General Hospital in Pasadena, CA.....September 25, 1947, featuring the vocals of Beryl Davis, Earl Spencer and Orch., The Howard McGee Sextet, Cyril Hanes, Joe Alexander w/ the Dave Cavanaugh Quintet, and Gene Norman as MC...... (this will lead in to a nice little Beryl Davis list :) 

You'll like this one....a nice little OTR piece bridging that era between big band, and modern jazz



  1. dang, that reminds me...I got some serious Barbarella OTR to catch up on. Just too much good stuff...not that I'm complaining.

  2. Y'ain't missed much.........I've been crazy ass busy with the singing daughter and all of her end of the year Not much posting, trying to catch up.
