Wednesday, April 13, 2011

OTR series: Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney show 1960-62-Part 1-episodes 1 thru 5

The Crosby-Clooney Show on CBS 1960-1962

In 1960, Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney teamed together in The Bing Crosby - Rosemary Clooney Show on CBS. This was a 20 minute show aimed at female listeners and was broadcast at 11:40 a.m. daily. Bing and Rosie would tape the dialogue weeks in advance and songs would be interpolated. The songs would usually feature Bing and Rosie singing solos and often a duet. Songs were repeated on many occasions. Murdo MacKenzie was again the producer. The shows commenced on February 29, 1960 and continued without a break until November 2, 1962 when Bing's long association with radio in the USA effectively ended.

This series was chatty, and mellow, with great music....big fun :)

Here's the first 5 episodes:

2-19-1960 ep. 1
3-1-1960 ep. 2
3-2-1960 ep. 3
3-3-1960 ep. 4
3-4-1960 ep. 5


  1. Missing episode 01. The link belong to episode 10, that is, repeated in the next post.

  2. Thank You so much, Luis! I have corrected the link...Thanks so very much! :)

  3. Not yet... The link still belong to episode 10, not episode 1...

    Thanks for all these old shows.
