Saturday, March 26, 2011

בייַ מיר ביסטו שיין,....please let me explain (fine, I'll explain.....Bei mir bist du shein!!) :)

!Bella Bella.......indeed!!

Bei mir bist du

Budapest Klezmer Band
Leo Marjana und Orchester
Janis Siegel
Al Bowlly
Ella Fitzgerald
Andrews Sisters
Zarah Leander
Mieczysław Fogg /Henryk Wars Orchestra
Adrian Rollini
Benny Goodman Quartet 1937 w/ Martha Tilton
Belle Baker & Gene Kardos Orchestra
Benny Goodman Orch. w/ Martha Tilton (Jan. 16,  1938)
The Barry Sisters


  1. Good Lord!!!! I'm sitting here before the screen with a big blush on my sheeks. Shame, shame shame. I think I might be the greates dork on the northern hemisphere. And as there ar no dorks on the southern.....well. Some days ago I was posting my request for some W.C. Handy. And happily you fulfilled my request. So, I wanted to post a thank-you. But at once, the space to fill in the comments was gone. And so the day after and the day there after. All kind of thoughts went throug my (small) mind. Maybe Barberella is sick or on a holliday, doesn't want comments for a while, and so on. But, hallelujah, today I found that tiny little knob that say's " Comments ", just clicked it ...........well here I am. (Don't laugh) Anyway, your blog is the first one I ever visited so I'm not so familiar with blogs, facebooks, twitters and those kind of things. Also the desktop I'm using is dated before WWII, so easy does it. Like your blog very, very much. It was a hell of a job working it through from bottom to top, but worth it. Won't make this comment too long and save some words for the nex time. My real name is Ad Jacobs. (The "A" in Ad pronounced as the last "a" in Laura). As a kid I was called Adriaan, in plain english "Adrian" . So that's why. Thanks again. Greetings, Adrian

  2. I enjoyed doing it....I love requests :) I've been a bit 'under the weather' all weekend, sorry I'm so late getting back to you.

  3. I could say Barbarella, even say voonda-baah!
    Each languish (~ ~ David Sylvian style ~ ~ )
    Only tells me
    How grand your blog .. errr .... are ....

