Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wow....this Chicago weather is some nasty sh*t....

Lake Shore Drive is getting shut down. They say that waves of freezing water are coming over the breakers onto the drive at over 25-30 feet high.  There's actually a delay of 4-5 hours on northbound drivers. I had a sled ride home  from Edgewater back to Evanston, after picking Sarah up from school. She gets two days off school, that's unheard of in Chicago...Catholic schools never get a snow day here.  The spouse called (he works in the Loop), and he is taking a long route home. Winds are up to 50+MPH, and it's only 6-7" over the 5"+ from last night. I do know that drifts are up to my car door handles, and walking the dog was like going sailing a few moments ago. I'm right on the lake, so they've said we may get an additional 5-10" of lake effect snow. I wouldn't be amazed, from what I'm seeing.  I'm thinking this is going to be an epic one. Haven't seen anything like this for a long while. From what I can tell, this one hasn't even gotten into gear, yet......we have until tomorrow afternoon before this ends. Trippin'.  I'll keep y'all posted....I'm a-drinkin', and a-postin'....not much else to do but that, for the next few days. It sounds like trains are going by outside the windows.....wow.

1 comment:

  1. Stay safe and warm...and keep posting and keeping us posted.
