Saturday, February 5, 2011

Well, this very long, snowy week hath ended.....

Well, this has certainly been one very long week, what with the rather epic 20+ inch snowfall, and being home bound and snowed in for several days.  We seem to be getting back on track for the most part, here in Chicago....finally all plowed out, and cleaning up.  We were able to catch up on the basketball front, for my daughter, with several games played over the last couple of days, making up for cancelled ones this last week.  I must say that my favourite comment of the week goes to my wonderful mother, who upon hearing that I was getting stir crazy with nothing to read, suggested I look through the bookshelf for a copy of "The Mothers", by Vardis Fisher (it's about the Donner Party). She thought that it would be appropriate reading, given the circumstances.  :)  Absolutely hilarious.  Looking forward to getting back to posting rather more regularly this next week. Stay tuned!


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