Monday, February 7, 2011

"Let it schneien, let it schneien, let it...well, ya know.....snow" (thanks, "anon" :)

From my continuously white world.......... :)


  1. Hey Barbarella!
    Freddy Slack was my Grandfather. My grandmother was a helluva pianist in her own right. Wish that more of the discipline wore off on me! However I shouldn't say that because I have been musician (albeit, not a true muscian as far as regular practicing goes) for years. I'm 50, still play guitar, and have just started up an Andrews sisters thing with a couple of hot singers. It's so very much fun!!

  2. Your Grandfather? wow...that's pretty cool! Hey, did you check out that Ella Mae Morse list awhile back? Lotta your Grandfather on that one :)

    I'll have to tell my mom about that....She's always been a fan of him :)

  3. About your title: It has to be "Let it schneien, let it schneien, let it...well, ya know.....snow"

    "Schnee" is the white stuff - but the "doing" is "schneien" ;-) ... just in case you care ... ^^

  4. Actually I do care...thank you for that :) I should go edit in the change.
