Sunday, January 16, 2011

The photography of Vivian Maier................

You should visit this site:

On Saturday, I spent most of my day down in the loop at The Chicago Cultural Center.  I'm there a couple times a month, as The Chicago Children's Choir offices are in the building, and Sarah has to be down there for rehearsals, workshops, things like that. It is the former Chic. Public Library. A simply amazing, gargantuan structure that fills the entire block between Washington and Randolph, along Michigan Ave.
The GAR dome
The Tiffany dome

So, anyway..........I spend a lot of time down at the Cultural Center. Free, good espresso, the Chicago Publishers Gallery free reading lounge....just a great space to relax and work in.  it's the best kept little secret in the city.  Other than the many weddings held there, the tour groups, the nice homeless guys, and regular's a pretty quiet, pleasant, relatively tourist-free place to hang.

Well, yesterday was special. The first Vivian Maier exhibit is being held in the gallery space.  I saw it.  I had been working on doing some posts for a while, and took a break to go see the exhibit. Needless to say....I never got back to doing my posts.  I stayed in the exhibit for most of the afternoon, until Sarah's clinical workshop ended in the afternoon.

From WTTW Chicago:

This is an amazing story.

It is an amazing exhibit.

I will be going back to see it many times.  Not many photographers can do work that bring a level of emotional reaction that I had upon seeing the work for the first time. There were a couple of prints that I couldn't take my eyes off, literally. I actually stood there tearing up and transfixed by some of the images on the wall.

Here are a few images that are featured in the blog that I linked to at the beginning of this post:

And to think.............they have barely even begun to scan and view all of the negatives.........

Google her.......go to John Maloof's blog.........and, do go see this exhibit if you can.

1 comment:

  1. increibles fotos en tu blog and the music too, me encanto.
