Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A long and unpleasant day........... :) a lovely ending, though.........

Here's to one of my daughter's "new" favourite singers.........(yeah, she thinks that SHE discovered Rosie's S'cool.........hey, who am I to argue, she could be listening to Katy Perry or something equally as distasteful, no?


  1. oh I sense a Clooney list coming? The kid knows how to pick em'.

  2. Guilty as charged. While the computer was down yesterday, I re-read "Girl Singer", by Rosie. :)
    I started going through both my early Clooney, and some of the 50s-60s stuff, today. Yup.........expect a list, probably several. I'm thinking first an early-mid list, then a few individual LPs (probably the Ellington and Prado ones, maybe the Riddle one...if I can locate a good copy). Then maybe one just of Rosie with Bing. Any ideas or suggestions?

  3. You can't go wrong with the three you mentioned. 'Swing Around Rosie' with the Buddy Cole Trio, 'Fancy Meeting You Here' with Bing Crosby. Look around the web and you will find almost every radio show that Bing Crosby and Rosie did in the early 60s together. Wonderful show. Each sang a song solo and one together. 'Clap Hands....' and 'Love'(which was recorded the same time as the first Riddle.

  4. True....gosh, I've got a crap load of music to wade's proving to be awfully fun though :) All the old Dietrich duets, Clooney's childrens' records.......a lot of stuff I haven't heard since I was a kid. I seem to have problems when posting entire LPs, though. Often, when I do post an LP, I get a DMCA violation and takedown. As a result, I've turned to compiling these huge retrospective lists. I admit that when I do that they are a bit cherry picked, and based on my taste....but at least I'm able to get a lot of music up there that doesn't get deleted. On the flip side, I can't imagine integrating an LP like "Blue Rose" into a larger list.....soooo, we'll see.......

  5. My absolute favorite. Thank goodness I got to see her a few years before she passed--one of the few times I've been able to see one of my idols in person out here in "the sticks." I didn't get to meet her, but sent my copy of "Love" (on Reprise) backstage and she signed it for me! One really can't go wrong with ANY Rosemary. The import box sets are daunting, but totally worth it. Those RCA LP's have some kickin' sound quality--especially when you hear them remastered. I can't wait to see which are your favorites!

  6. A daunting It's a fun process!! The poor 20ish Russian guy that's here today, painting my living room ceiling......he doesn't speak any English, but has has been giving me these odd looks all day as I work....(WTF is HER deal?? lol!!)

  7. I saw her high school on the 4 Girls 4 tour, and also not all that many years ago when she and Michael Feinstein were together down at the Chicago Theater. That was an the excellent birthday present....a lot of familiar faces in that crowd. I'm walking into the theater with my nose in the programme, and almost slammed head on into the cloying scent and flamboyantly purple rinsed coif of Quentin Crisp! THAT would've been quite the accident! :0

  8. Oh, hon....I'm working through over a GB of tunes, here. I was all "no-Mitch-Miller-or-novelty-tunes-on-MY-list" no Siree!! Sigh**....there's gonna have ta be quite a few of those, or I'll be ignoring a large segment of her recorded output....besides, I'll admit it...some of them I LOVE DEARLY....even if they are sooo ridiculous!!Lol!!
