Thursday, January 6, 2011

Having a Vera Ellen moment.... :)

With "Sister" Rosie, in White Christmas.......
I missed posting this one at Christmas...better late than never :)


  1. She was such a beautiful lady.

  2. What an incredible dancer and such beautiful legs! White Christmas is one of my all time favorite movies and Vera Ellen is one of the many reasons why. Watching it for the third time over the last few days and each time finding little lines, looks, and moves I didn't see the first time around. Of course, this isn't the first year I've watched. I just finally subscribed to Netflix so I can keep it longer and not have to pay a fine. Really should add this to my video library.

  3. Vera Ellan was (and still is) a truly amazing woman. Every time I see White Christmas, I am swept away by her beauty, grace and talent. I'm also saddened by her losses in life; and to think she suffered from an eating disorder to keep that gorgeous figure alive and well in Hollywood makes me sad. That kind of skewed lens by which Hollywood sees women is the reason I left the business in the 1980s.

  4. I am so very sad to learn of this lovely woman's
    early death due to her eating disorder to be thin.
    Her dancing in "White Christmas" is fantastic !
    She had so much talent. True, she had one of the
    most beautiful figures in Hollywood. I read that
    she aged prematurely because of the disorder. So
    very sad.

  5. I wanted to post this because I really liked her as a child....still do :)

  6. She`s really great - thanks for this post!!! :))
    Lina, Bulgaria

  7. I had the opportunity to have dinner at Vera-Ellen's house in the Hollywood Hills about 1967, she was separated from Victor Rothschild. We were invited there because my husband at that time worked for Victor at a business in Pasadena, CA. Vera did not eat with us but had a lovely dinner served to us in her dining room, use of a guest room to change into swimming suits to use her beautiful pool; then showered in a lovely bathroom. She was lovely, elegant and very beautiful. I have cherished that evening all of my life.

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  9. So many great movies and dancing moments. My favorite dance is SLAUGHTER ON 10th AVENUE in Words and Music, which is the bio of Rogers & heart. Her partner is Gene Kelly in the movie, who said that Vera Lynn is possibly the best all around woman dancer in films. Thanks to movies she is one of my favorite dancers ever.
