Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A great Maxine Sullivan Soundie 1942 "Some of these days"

An interesting note: A few of the dancing girls in this soundie were Cotton Club chorines, Winnie (Wini) Johnson is the pretty female dancer in the middle. She was maried to actor Stepin Fetchit and also dated actor Canada Lee.   Also there's Edna Mae Holly, former wife of Sugar Ray Robinson, she's the beautiful lady with the shoulder length hair and light colored dress, who receives numerous close ups in this soundie, and is playing house with the (really kinda racist) stick dolls.

1 comment:

  1. this may be the "missing" soundie that features Benny Carter's band with Dizzy Gillespie in it (during which Diz composed "Night in Tunisia" between takes). No trumpet solos, but arrangement sounds Carterish...?
