Sunday, January 23, 2011

A busy weekend and no sorry....I'll be back up and running by this evening :)

I've had this incredibly busy parental weekend with Sarah....3 basketball games, one for a Chicago Northside Public/Catholic league, 2 more for the Catholic girls Big 10 league. Now, this afternoon,  a big Chicago Children's Choir concert down at the Cultural Center.

The Cultural Center.....a long, very snowy drive down to the Loop, today.....the city is filled with a ton of folks all dressed up in their Chicago Bears, and Green Bay Packers fan wear, in anticipation of the big game this afternoon. Not I.....

I'm posting this because I've just had the opportunity to revisit the Vivian Maier exhibit in the Gallery.  Very enjoyable, again.  

Here are a few photos of the gallery space, and the show.  It was a bit difficult to get these, as I was sneaking around past a security guard who was glaring at me.....they aren't great views, but they are views of the exhibition space.....enjoy. :)


  1. I like what I see here... I checked Vivian Maier out on the internet... wow... These are fabulous pictures...

  2. I couldn't quite get my daughter to share in my enthusiasm to see it again, unfortunately. She was having pre-performance jitters, and I had to get her up to her rehearsal so that I could come back down to the gallery and enjoy it at my leisure........enjoy it I did. :)

  3. Again - thank you for sharing this remarkable find! What an incredible story this is. I am anxiously awaiting the book and dvd!

  4. Me, too! Should be very interesting :)
