Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The actress 'O the evening..........the young Joan Crawford


  1. Gorgeous! Joan is another one of my all time favorite actresses, especially the young Joan Crawford. Those eyes. That personality. Wow! I am so glad I found your blog!

  2. Do you have a picture of Joan and Mercedes facing each other off in "Johnny Guitar"? A classic.

  3. I love that movie! No, I don't, unfortunately...only a pic of the hanging scene, and also one that's a promo pic of them together.

  4. Again, Thank You for the complimentary words on the blog.........I have fun with it :)

  5. Damn....now I wish I did have a copy, it would so be perfect next to the "look at my EYES, not at my freakin'...'guns'!!" pic that I posted. I was just thinking of Ms. Crawford, because I watched that ridiculous remake of "The Women" the other night. I had to get up at 3am, and watch the REAL version just to be able to go back to bed and get a decent night's sleep. I needed some Crystal...Wait, that didn't sound right. I needed some Crystal ALLEN. There, that's better. >;)

  6. I agree....very hot. I don't think most people think of her that way, when they think of Joan....they see the parody, later.....pity.

  7. I just saw your site, Gregory....I linked to you....nice page :)

  8. What!! No songs!! LOL!
