Monday, December 13, 2010

Patti Page......that doggie in the window?? someone bought's gone.... :)

A taste of an upcoming list of Patti...........(it's a doggie free list, if you haven't already guessed....)


  1. "A taste of an upcoming list of Patti...........(it's a doggie free list, if you haven't already guessed....)"

    Thank God! Was Mitch Miller secretly working for Mercury? lol

    Ya know...Patti Page was a good singer but gets a bad rap for that song much the way that Kay Starr did for her light pop stuff. Looking forward to the list you put together.

  2. Oh, I know....that's funny, Mitch "follow the bouncing ball" sing-a-long Miller.......Actually, I have to admit, one of my secret pleasures from childhood is the "Sing along with Mitch" Christmas had tear out song sheets!! I am greatful for one thing about Mitch, tho....He insisted on Rosemary Clooney doing Come-on-a-my-house, and adding that harpsicord.....even though she hated it....I do thank him for that one....the rest of his so much :0

  3. Oh yeah...that part of Mitch I dug. We used to sing along with Mitch and his bouncing ball too. He should have left it that and stayed out of the A&R business for the most part though. Mama will bark

  4. WOOOF true! a dog of a song....we actually had that record, which I'm quite sure my father bought for "I'm a fool to want you"....You're brilliant to remind me of the reason that Mitch makes me sqeemish(Of course I went straight to YouTube upon reading your comment. Lmfao!! I hadn't thought of that song in years....Dagmar is good for winter allergies, btw, I almost shot beer out of my nose listening to her, tonight!)
