Wednesday, December 22, 2010

OTR----A great one....The Mel Blanc Show CBS....December 10, 1946

This is a great one, today.....The Mel Blanc Show on CBS, December 10, 1946...."Betty's Christmas Present". I can't listen to him without hearing every Warner Brothers character I ever loved speaking....he opens his mouth and I start laughing......

You'll like this one.......


  1. Great stuff. Thanks for stopping by 8 To The Bar. I'm planning on stepping the Blog up a bit. I'll you know when I do.

  2. The first step of stepping it up is the hardest...once the flow gets going, it's all good. Takes awhile, tho, it seems. :)

  3. I know what you mean.......trying to figure out some kind of basic theme for it.

  4. I didn't really start out with a theme...well, sort of. I originally started by setting iTunes to shuffle and then making a list. My second idea was to do themes. Later I just started going through fave artists and compiling everything I had by them.....THAT'S where it got time consuming! lol! I guess just start with what you like best...regardless if anyone else has posted it. SOMEONE out there will be into it, too....just takes awhile. :) You'll shake the wrinkles out and it'll all be good!

  5. Oh, and trade links with people...I'll link to you, etc. (gets more views)
