Thursday, December 30, 2010

More Trudy Pitts...alas, it's not yet a copy of "Bucket full of soul", but DO go to this link!!

A great blog, and a great post........The Van Groove Express blog, and a link to a Trudy Pitts LP that I didn't have a copy of to post-"These blues of mine", from 1967:


  1. Hey again! Cheers for the link. I'm also keen to track down 'Bucketful of Soul' as well as 'The Excitement of...' Pretty hard to find. Also looking forward to any further music posts from you. Love the old photos too. Best regards & may you have a spectacularly Happy New Year!

  2. Damnit! I'm still pretty sure that the (poor quality) copy that I have is in a box in my basement. Yeah, buried somewhere in my basement. I will make a concentrated effort to dig, tomorrow. No one seems to have a copy of it, and a lot of folks would like to hear it. If I can find it, a will get a file out of it, even if it's not a good one, I :)

    Thanks, again....the best New Year to you as well!!

  3. crazy....i located a copy of "Excitement," still no luck on Bucketful" w/o dropping a couple benny"s on the vinyl. When it arrives, I"ll put it up and link you...Happy New Year!!!
    jarad astin

  4. That's great! You'll be most likely the only one who has it up online. You'll be making a lotta folks' New Year with it. Let me know know, and I'll plug your link on here. Thanks!!

    I've been too busy running around to get down in my basement to find out if I still have that worn out copy of "Bucket". I need to make the time to try to locate it.

  5. FOUND: Trudy's next 2 LPs on Prestige!

    "A Bucketful Of Soul" with Mr. C


    "The Excitement of Trudy Pitts (Recorded Live! at Club Baron)"

    both from 1968, thanks to this guy!

    Check out his site, SUN SHIP = V. hip!

  6. I love you! I love you! I love you! (oh, and by the way....did I say I love you??) :) Thanks!I just saw his site.........I could spend hours there, too...nice!!

    I think I'll just link to you, and to him and his links, on the main page.

    Thank you again so very much!!

  7. Barberella,

    Thanks for the link and keep up the work you do on the blog, it's great!
