Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Looking through a favourite book tonight........


Blue Note - The Album Cover Art - Edited by Graham Marsh, Felix Cromey, and Glyn Callingham  - with a forward by Horace Silver.

From 1991, it remains a favourite book in my collection. I was looking through it tonight, while uploading some Fats Waller stuff. I started going through some of my old LPs on Blue Note, and on Prestige (they also had some great covers).

I wanted to post this, because I'm sure a few of your are fans of the Blue Note LP covers......I was thinking of graphic designer Reid Miles, the early cover art of Andy Warhol, and even of the later day resurgence in modern cover art done to resemble classic Blue Note and Prestige art.

On that note....just a little view of some of it.....just an Eye-gasms-worth, if you will........Mmmmm :)

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