Thursday, December 9, 2010

Just for sh*ts and giggles moment..........(well, uncomfortable angst-ridden giggles)

I have an irrational fear and dislike of this song....I heard it this morning on TV (don't ask...I tried, in vain, to ignore it). This fear dates to 1972.....second grade.....Mrs. Grenager. She taught us the dance...made us do it, the entire little embarrassed, bright-eyed, bushy tailed little bunch of us. She would fire up the big, elementary school industrial-sized Hi-Fi in the class room..........and I've never quite gotten over that. 

I don't know if any of you have a phobia of a certain song from childhood, Linda Richman once famously said, on SNL..........

"I'm a little farklempt.....Talk amongst yourselves....I'll give you a topic....discuss!!"

Seriously.....inquiring minds wanna know.........what songs make you squirm a bit??? :)

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