Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The elves are unionizing.........threatening mutiny unless their demands for fair treatment are met.....

The elves are pissed off, and are threatening to strike right now. I've been driving them hard to compile and research this huge Fletcher Henderson list.  This list covers everything from the early-mid 1920s, on up to the late '30s........."Smack" Henderson recordings with differently named bands, recordings with Louis Armstrong, all the big band recordings in the '30s.....almost 1GB of tunes. 

I'm finding that fueling them with alcohol and caffeine is losing its' initial appeal. I'm considering punitive measures to maximize productivity. However, morale is flagging. Maybe I'll bribe them with a trip to Los Cabos or something, when this is all over...... ;)

Stay tuned............the list will be up soon.........Oh, and this one SWINGS, majorly!!

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