Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My hometown............Welcome to hell (only further north).....lovely.

FLINT, Michigan — Flint ranks the nation's fourth most violent city in America, according to the latest rankings by CQ Press.

Flint ranks behind only St. Louis, Mo., Camden, N.J., and Detroit. Flint was ranked fifth last year.

The rankings are based off of FBI crime statistics.
I mean, damn.....what? we have less than 400,000 in whole city, or whatever........ That's f*cked up, seriously. Just sayin'.  Nice, pound per pound, we're much worse that NYC and Chicago.....I mean, it's no surprise to me....I grew up there, nice to know we're in the top 4 for SOMETHING.......  In all seriousness, though, it's just wrong for a city to be that small, and that bad.
I was home for a week, last year, and what I saw was incredibly sad.....whatever....I just had to post that.

Then I read this article from Associated Content:

 Talk about depressing.......

Flint, Michigan, Earns its Reputation as a Dangerous City

Rushelle O'Shea 

"Maybe it's a bomb," one of us jested, though I'll never remember if the words came from my roommate or my own lips. It was the middle of the night in downtown Flint, Mich., and

 we'd just completed the umpteenth check throughout the two-story house that we rented. The water heater was fine. The furnace was fine. The pipes all seemed to be fine. I went to bed, but still there was this incessant tick-tick-tick.

The explosion brought me tumbling to the floor as the entire house shuddered, groaned and shook like a war-ravaged thing. In a panic, I raced to check on the children. The house across the street was completely engulfed in flames.

It would be one of the last nights I remembered in Flint.

Welcome to Hell (Only Further North)

The gas station attendant literally flinched when I mentioned that I was trying to find my way to a rental property in downtown Flint. "Bad neighborhood?" I queried, and she gave me a pensive look before reluctantly voicing, "Well, it all depends on where you're moving up there." I revealed the address and she flinched again.


But sometimes you don't have a choice. Michigan's unemployment rate was on the rise and I had two children to support. Finding a house that rented for less than $400 a month was like a dream come true. For that price, we could ignore the spray painting on the house next door and the abandoned houses up the street. If we stayed inside and minded our own business, it wouldn't be that terrible. After all, most of what you hear on the news is all media hype. It really couldn't be all that bad, could it?

Does Flint Deserve its Reputation as a Dangerous City?

We only stayed in Flint for a few short years, but I can say they were truly frightening ones. Having attended school in Detroit for eight months, I had this naïve belief that the smaller city was just getting a

 bad rap. But there's a big difference between driving through a neighborhood and living in it. When you live there, you witness the despair and darkness firsthand. Flint was a drowning city, desperately clutching at its inhabitants and dragging them down with it.

Gunshots ring out in the night, so frequently that it actually seems eerily quiet when you don't hear them. Kids are forced to walk through metal detectors and have their belongings searched before they can enter the schools (and my daughter was still jumped and nearly beaten unconscious by other girls). Every day, more people are murdered and more houses are vacated, boarded up and abandoned. The overall feeling is not unlike the city suffering some form of pestilence that's slowly spreading, creeping from house to house as it poisons and chokes the life from everything it touches.

Flint Today

Flint has earned its "CQ Press" reputation as one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S. because it's a dying city, filled with desperate souls who have lost everything. A couple of months ago, I learned that my daughter's school had burned down and that the police suspected arson. Since then, the three-bedroom house we'd rented burned to the ground - It was one of six Flint homes that an arsonist torched in a single evening.

The news left me with a sad, empty feeling, thinking back on some of the memories that we'd had in that old house. There was a sad, empty feeling and yet... I couldn't help but feel relieved.

We'd escaped. 

Hmmmmmm....well boo-freakin' hoo, lady....

Great..........well, I suppose I escaped many years ago, too.  Anyhow, the feeling I get reading an article like that is a bit complex. Angry, mostly, because the entire city isn't like that....really. Parts of it are VERY bad, don't get me wrong, but when I read something like that......I think.....outsider. She didn't know the city, didn't even investigate where she was moving.....and put her kids in that environment.....please. She could've found housing that cheap easily in another part of the city. F*cking, idiot......that's my conclusion. Move BACK to Detroit...they can have you. And, stop whining and grow a pair....really. 

I haven't lived in Flint for 20 years. I've been in Chicago....(and trust me, living in my neighborhood is no walk in the isn't that nicer, either). If I moved back to Flint, tomorrow, I'd damn sure check where I was renting before I signed a damn lease. I would never move somewhere in Chicago without knowing everything from what the neighborhood gangs are, what the schools are like......and believe, me, I've lived in some "interesting" neighborhoods over the years I've been here. I never moved into any of them without knowing everything good, and bad, before I did.

Flint isn't anything nice, but it made me the person I am....warts and all. I can handle just about anything as a result of it. Being Flint-born has kept me real, and gave me a great BS radar for anything that comes my way......that's a good thing...a bit raw sometimes, but something lacking in a lot of folks I meet.

Ok, I'm done with my rant, now.  I just hate articles like that. My hometown pride comes out, and I get a bit of attitude.  Goodnight, all.

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