Friday, September 24, 2010

Just had a comment to make on these '50s R&B posts.........

 Mom...(during the time my dad was in Korea, just after she finished at MSU and got married...maybe about '57-'58)

When I'm posting all these '50s R&B posts, I'm always thinking of my mom, when I was a kid. My dad was always wanting me to listen to his music....I didn't care for it much, back then. He was always "listen to that.....that's Ralph Flanagan...blah, blah, blah". He was REALLY into the bands.....strictly '30s-'40s big bands. He played trumpet for years, and when he'd had several scotch and sodas....his idea of fun was to make you sit and listen with him. Not so cool for a pre-teen who'd really rather be listening to Leif Garrett, or the Bay City Rollers....(fine, I'll admit was the ' changed when I started listening seriously to the Beatles in 8th high school I was into old rockabilly and country, and progressed/regressed on back farther since then).

But, I digress..........My mom. She was a great dancer...loved music. Yeah, she listened with, and enjoyed the bands my dad liked........But her She liked a "hot saxophone" (her words), music to swing to...danceable stuff. In hindsight, she had great taste....Billy Ward and the Dominoes, Ruth Brown...I heard a lot of that as a kid. Learned a decent Jitter Bug from her, too. I post this stuff and think of her ironing clothes in the kitchen, humming along to, and dancing a bit to all that great music coming out of the big blond Zenith Hi-Fi in our living room. Thanks, Mom......... :)  (Yeah, Dad......about Ralph Flanagan, Gene Krupa and all that.........ok, it worked. I have a drink, listen to that stuff and rave over the solos, too.........)
Dad........(in Korea, about '57-'58)

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