Thursday, April 1, 2010

A request...for Holy Week: The Easter Triduum...Catholic hymns in Latin by Beth Neilsen Chapman

Thus begins Holy Week: The Easter Triduum

Our long journey to the font culminates in the Easter Triduum.  These three days draw us into the mystery of our salvation.  Whatever we are doing these days, these prayers and resources can help us be open to the graces the day offers.   Each morning, we can pause to acknowledge the meaning of the day ahead.  Each night, we can give thanks.

Even if we can't celebrate these days liturgically, we can reflect upon the symbols and rituals, and let the prayers of the liturgies draw us in.  All, that we might know the depth of the love being offered us, and power of the gift of life won for us.

I am posting this request for Catholic hymns.....this is a personal joy for me in being able to post this for her.  These hymns are a big part of my life as a Catholic, also.

Here is a link to an absolutely wonderful CD by Beth Neilsen Chapman from 2004, "Hymns".

Here is the link:

And here are the songs:

Ave Verus Corpus
Veni Veni Emmanuel
Tanti Erego
O Salutaris Hostia
Adoramus te
O Santissima
Panis Angelicus
Salve Regina
Hymn to Mary
O God of lovliness
Dona Nobis Pachem
Ave Maria

A beautiful collection....enjoy! And a blessed Holy Week to all......


  1. Hi Barbi...I have found my way back home...anymore of this kind?

  2. Hi Barbi...I have found my way back home...anymore of this kind?

  3. Hi Barbi...I have found my way back home...anymore of this kind?

  4. Hmmmm....I have a lot of traditional hymns in Latin, I could throw something together. I love that stuff (it's the Catholic in me, I guess).

  5. Huh...don't know what happened with the three replies...sorry about that. Yeah...born and raised Catholic, never left but lapsed so that's the home reference. Anyway...that would be cool...thanks.

  6. Never lapsed either.....I love our history, our liturgy...our music.
