Saturday, March 27, 2010

In honor of the 200th South Park episode.... my little secret is out. I have an irrational fear of Celine Dion. Well, actually, not JUST Celine Dion...I can think of two more things that freak me out, (OK, MANY things freak me out...Republicans with comb-overs, Middle-aged German sex tourists..Velveeta..erectile dysfunction medication...Jews for Jesus...the list goes on...but, I digress..) the other two things that I'm willing to discuss outside of a therapist's office are.....Tom Cruise, and R. Kelly. (dead silence....pause...I have issues, k??)

In honor of the 14th season/200th episode of South Park....I think in the next day or so I'll be posting an incredibly random little set of South Park songs and sound clips. But, for now, right here , is a video combining South Park, R, Kelly, AND Tom Cruise...too bad Celine Dion wasn't in the episode...I don't know about you, but I sleep better knowing that Cruise and Kelly are trapped in a closet...... :D

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